What is Expressive Journaling?
Expressive journaling can be your road to
de-stressing and re-energizing your mind. It can help you declutter your brain
and your soul, and help you get feelings out on paper where they can be
examined and interpreted. Journaling like this can help you live more of your
life in the moment, as you deal with the past and future in your journal.
You’ll feel more secure in your daily life without all that hanging around in
your brain, and you’ll find yourself enjoying your days with less worry and
Here are lots of different types of expressive
journals, and each of them can be used exclusively, or you can mix and match
what you want when you want it. We'll talk about several of the most common
types of expressive journals in this article.
Art Journal - Whether or not you are artistically talented, an art
journal is an excellent idea if you love to doodle and sketch. What are you
feeling? Turn that into a sketch. Draw an outline and then color it in with
colored pencils or gel pens. If getting better at art is your goal, make the
page opposite your creation where you write about how you feel about what
you’ve created and how your progress is coming along.
Gratitude Journal - There’s no better way to increase positive feelings
in your life than with a gratitude journal. Each day, reflect on your
experiences, what you’re thankful for, and lessons that you want to remember
for the future. And then take it a step further and let the people you’re
thankful for know about it!
Dream Journal - Each morning, grab your dream journal and write down
your dreams from the night before. Leave room after each dream, in case you
come back with different insights later on, and you want to record them. Your
dreams can tell you a lot about your waking life when they’re interpreted
Creative Writing Journal - If stories are your thing, try a creative
writing journal. Write a short story every day, or challenge yourself to write
a short story in just 100, 200, or 300 words. Challenge yourself and hone your
Positivity Journal - Each day, pick something positive that happened
that really inspired you. Write about what happened, the people involved, and
how it made you feel. This can help you see more positive things in life overall,
and helps decrease negativity.
Don’t overthink your journaling - just get started and try!