Let's Make a Scrappy Crochet Blanket! pt. 1 Center Medallion


Let's Make a Scrappy Crochet Blanket! 

Part 1: Center Medallion

I'll start this off by saying that I'll try to keep the "fluff" as low as possible.  If you want to read about the "why" of this blanket, check out the Series Intro post.

(post *may* include affiliate links, no extra cost to you but it helps support this site, thanks!)

A few non-fluff notes about this pattern:
  • I consider myself a beginner at crochet still, so I will be keeping this pattern beginner-friendly as much as possible.  Yet I want techniques to test my, and your, skills.  Let's up our skill levels together!
  • I'm using up my yarn stash, so I won't be going into colorways or specific yarns in this written instructions/posts.  Just remember to keep the yarn weights as close to the same as possible. 
  • I will indicate color changes.  But feel free to just use as many, or as few, colors you wish. (I wonder what a single color will look like... I'm definitely make a single color one in the future.)
  • Follow me on TikTok to see my colors, how I'm choosing them, etc. ... you'll see my struggles of creating "on the fly" over there as well.
  • I am purposely NOT giving stitch counts per round so you can adapt this pattern to whatever size you wish.  There will be corner counts, a few center embellishments, and other things that will have specific counts.

For the center medallion, create any medallion or square that you love (or that tests your skills!) and we'll go from there. Just be very mindful that your round count is the same as mine, or keep track of the difference.  Here's how I started this idea on TikTok:

I started my blanket with a Fisherman's Ring square pattern (only rounds 1 - 7) from page 12 of "Crochet Patterns & Projects".  To avoid any copyright issues with the pattern, I will not be giving out that portion of this blanket.  HOWEVER...

You can find the Fisherman's Ring all over the internet as well as YouTube videos. The one below looks great and remember, I did NOT crochet all 8 rounds, I stopped at round 7. Check it out, make whatever square you decide, then come back for my next round. Link will be in the Series Intro post!
 Have FUN!