Fancy Crochet Stitches - Just Beyond Basic
Fancy Crochet Stitches - Just Beyond Basic
Although I’ve been crocheting for a few years now, I haven’t tried to learn a lot of different stitch patterns. Yes, I’ve made a couple of Phoenix Blankets, which has a bunch of fancy stitches in the pattern. But I didn’t “learn” the stitches. In other words, once I crochet them, I forgot them, and never retained even the names of said fancy stitches.
I love crocheting patterns that are above my skill level, it forces me to learn and practice crocheting even more. Sometimes I only practice how to frog, but that’s a whole different post.
Here’s Stitches I’ve Shared
With all that being said, I do have a few choice stitches that I wish to share with you. These are beyond basic stitches, but I feel that they are still beginner friendly. I’ve already made posts and/or videos on how to make them.
What’s Next?
As I learn more than basic stitches, I’ll be compiling them in lots and lots of posts and videos for you. I got plans. Lots of plans!
Call to Action
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